Annual Refresher for First Aiders - Half Day
First Aid Annual Refresher Course for First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders : Half-day course
Although it is not mandatory, the HSE strongly recommends that HSE qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders undertake a first aid annual refresher course in order to keep their skills up-to-date and refreshed.
The qualification period for both groups of First Aiders is 3-years. It was felt that this period was too long without any additional training.
A range of subjects are covered including:
- Responsibilities
- Communication skills
- Primary Assessment
- Top-to-toe survey
- Recovery Position
- Action for vomit
- Resuscitation
- Chain of Survival
- Wounds and bleeding
- Bandaging and Hygiene
A certificate of attendance will be issued.
It is recommended that no more than 16 students attend this course. Students from the age of 14 can attend this course.