Donut Basic User Training
DONUT Basic User Emergency Escape Training is a hands-on training course that teaches you how to safely evacuate while offshore. A DONUT is an offshore evacuation system where you use a portable personal safety device that provides a controlled descent from an offshore installation in the event of an emergency. After the training, you will understand the purpose of the DONUT system and be able to descend independently with the system.
Practical training includes unpacking, affixing to a suitable anchor point, donning, suspending from the device, lowering and release from the system in different scenarios.
Actual use of the Donut system is vital to ensure optimum effectiveness of the Training. There is no substitute for practical controlled descents in the Donut system; this provides confidence to the workers that they will be able to use the system safely and correctly if the need arises.
On successful completion of the class the trained person will be able to describe correct use of the device and have demonstrated the skills required to use it.
Periodic practical refresher Training benefits all workers by providing the opportunity to ensure that important skills or knowledge have not diminished.
All delegates MUST have completed the two below links prior to training commencing - Failure to do so may result in the delegate being refused a place on the course. No Refund will be offered as per our T&C's